Bollywood actress Sophie Choudry has been spending quality time in the Maldives for some time now. Fans are very fond of the amazing style of the actress and in these few days, she has shared many of her pictures on Instagram.
Show off wearing a blue Two-pieceÂ
In these pictures, Sophie Choudry is seen flaunting her toned figure wearing a blue Two-piece on the shore of the blue sea. These pictures of Sophie have become viral on seeing.
Sophie wrote this thing in the caption
Sharing these pictures of her, Sophie Choudry wrote – How can she be afraid of rain when she herself is a storm.
Fans praised in the comment section
Fans have liked these pictures of Sophie Choudry very much and have praised her fiercely in the comment section. A user has described her as Indian Kim Kardashian in the comment section.
Enjoying in the Maldives
Sophie Choudry sometimes wears a Two-piece and sometimes shares her pictures while having fun in water resorts. This amazing style of her on the seashore is becoming very viral.
The beginning of this film
Talking about the work front, Sophie started her work in Indian cinema with the film ‘Shaadi No. 1’ (Shaadi No. 1).