Tips & Tricks for Smartphones: Smartphones have become an integral part of our lives in recent years. It gets tough to go without a phone for an extended period of time. Many personal items and documents are now stored on mobile devices. In addition, the cell phone contains information on mobile banking and bank accounts. If your phone is lost or stolen in such a situation, you could be in serious danger. Because thieves can defraud you by utilizing the bank information stored on your smartphone. Today, we’ll share some of these suggestions with you so that you can prevent being a victim of fraud if you misplace your phone.
Block your SIM card right away.
The first thing you should do if your smartphone is lost or stolen is to block your SIM card. So that if your phone falls into the wrong hands and your bank information is stolen, the OTP on the SIM is not used. After blocking the SIM, you can later activate the same number on a new SIM. You can get this job done by contacting the telecom company’s customer service department.
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Disable mobile banking
Block any bank accounts accessed through a laptop or another phone on your smartphone. No one can use your account without your permission. If you choose, you can also phone the bank to have account access disabled.
In your bank account, add a mobile number.
It is critical that you replace the mobile number associated with your bank account as soon as possible after barring access to the account. So that if there is a theft, the message for financial services will not be sent to that number.
Access to your mobile wallet is also restricted.
In the event that your phone is stolen or misplaced, it’s equally critical to lock down access to your bank account and mobile wallet. Because you use it to make payments in a variety of places, your bank information is maintained here.
Block your phone number from the CEIR portal.
Aside from that, the Central Equipment Identity Register (CEIR) portal can be used to disable a stolen or misplaced phone. In addition, the phone can be traced with its assistance.
Please report to the police station.
If your phone is stolen or lost, go to the nearest police station and report it. As a result, if it is misused, you will not be injured.