Amyra Dastur Photos: Along with Bollywood, the latest photos of Amyra, who has shown amazing charm in the South, have created a ruckus on social media. Amyra’s new photos are so bold and sizzling that a man has openly proposed to the actress. In the latest photos, Amyra Dastur is seen posing in a sexy style on the banks of the bold river…
Amyra, who gave an amazing performance in Saif Ali Khan’s film ‘Kaalakaandi’, has left netizens in awe with her latest pictures. Amyra Dastur is looking no less than an apsara in a sexy white dress by the riverside.
In the latest pictures, Amyra is seen sitting on a chair by the river bank. Amyra is seen flaunting sexy legs in a white high-slit dress.
For the latest pictures, Amyra wore open hair, subtle makeup, and light jewelry. This style of Amyra has impressed the netizens a lot. Seeing the photos of the actress, a person has even given her a marriage proposal.
Talking about Amyra Dastur’s Workfront, the actress has worked in many Bollywood and South films like Jogi, Koi Jaane Na, Mr. X, Kung Fu Yoga, and Anegan.
Amyra Dastur is also very active on social media. The actress is often seen impressing fans with her bold style. Amyra Dastur is one of those actresses who has worked in Bollywood, South and TV-web series.
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