Flipkart Smartphone Offer: There is a tremendous craze for Google Pixel 7 smartphones in India as the Pixel 7 series has been launched in India after a long time. This smartphone has a capable camera that takes better pictures than any DSLR. The pictures clicked from the smartphone are of such tremendous quality that you cannot believe that some non-professional has clicked them. Let us tell you that you have got a chance to make huge savings by buying this smartphone on Flipkart and today we have brought a similar offer for you.
What is the offer
Talking about the actual price of Google Pixel 7 smartphone is around ₹ 60000 but on this customers are being offered a discount of 5% by Flipkart. The smartphone is made available to customers for ₹56999 after the 5% discount is applied. Although this price is still quite low, many people cannot afford it. However, you do not need to worry because you can buy this model at the price of a cheap smartphone.
Getting the benefit of exchange offer
Customers need not spend ₹ 56999 to buy Pixel 7 smartphone as the entire ₹23000 exchange bonus is being given by Flipkart. Once this exchange bonus is applied, customers will only have to spend ₹33999, which is a very affordable amount and most customers will be able to afford it.
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