Bajaj Auto is releasing new models into the market one after the other. Bajaj also often updates its model lineup. Bajaj Auto just introduced the Pulsar NS400Z to the market. The firm has created the 400 cc entrance point for the performance level. In addition to the Pulsar NS400Z, the Dominar 400 has the same engine.
Will raise Dominar’s standard
Executive Director Rakesh Sharma of Bajaj Auto reportedly stated to Autocar Professional that the company has plans to modernize the Dominar 400. We have the opportunity to elevate quality to a new level with Dominar. This bike will eventually develop into a fantastic model, but many people cannot afford it. Rakesh Sharma went on to say that Pulsar has become popular among people in an affordable range. Dominar may be a little more expensive than this. But this will not have any significant impact on the company.
When is the bike going to be released?
Regarding the upcoming release of the Bajaj Dominar 400, there has been no news to date. However, the delivery of this bike can certainly take some time. However, it is reasonable to assume that this bike will not be the best on Bajaj’s current platform when it is released.
Key Power Dominar 400
The liquid-cooled, fuel-injected engine of the Dominar 400 model that is presently on the market produces 35 Nm of torque at 6,500 rpm and 29.4 kW of power at 8,800 rpm. A 6-speed transmission is also included with this bike. To improve the handling of the bike, Up-Side Down (USD) forks have been fitted. This results in a smooth cycling ride. The Dominar 400 Sports has an upscale LCD, on which all the information related to the bike is displayed.
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