Goods & Services Tax: The Bengaluru GST department has sent a tax notice of Rs 1.96 crore to a teenage mechanic in Gujarat’s Patan district who makes only Rs 16–17 thousand a month.
Update on GST News: Up till today, instances of people utilizing Aadhaar fraudulently to open bank accounts have been discovered. However, a startling case from Gujarat’s Patan district has surfaced. The Bengaluru GST Department has sent a tax notice of Rs 1.96 crore to a young man from Dudkha village who works as a mechanic in Ahmedabad. For the young person who supports his family on just Rs 16,000–17,000 per month, this is a huge shock.
Sunil Sathwara is a menial mechanic who works odd jobs to support his family. He was taken aback when he saw a Rs 1.96 crore tax notice from the Bengaluru-based Goods and Services Tax Department.
When he contacted the lawyer about this warning, the lawyer looked up the GST number online and discovered that 11 businesses, located in various states around the nation, were functioning under Sunil Sathwara’s name. Ayodhya, Aligarh in Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Nagpur in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and the Andaman Nicobar are among the states where these businesses operate.
According to the probe, fake PAN and Aadhar cards were used under Sunil’s name. Investigating how and who established so many businesses under Sunil’s name is necessary to determine whether or not they are merely fictitious. Sunil and his family have complained about the entire situation with the Home Department’s Crime Branch. They claim that fraudulent use of their documents has been made.
Gandhinagar CID Crime is now looking into the issue. It won’t be evident until the inquiry is complete who the actual founder of the 11 firms is, where he is from, and what the true goal of the whole scheme was.