Credit Card Expire: Many people use credit cards, credit cards also have a credit limit, so that more transactions cannot be done. If you have a credit card, do you know what is printed on it? Do you know what the expiry date of a credit card means? We are going to tell you the important things related to credit cards.
Credit card expiry date
Generally, people think that after the expiry date the card would have become useless or the credit card account would have been closed. While the expiry date means that the card will not work after that date, but if the customer wishes, he can definitely get another card issued on the account number of the same credit card. Therefore, a new card must be taken before the expiry date or by that date.
How is a credit card re-issued?
If you want to re-issue your credit card, then you have to contact your bank branch for this. Nowadays many banks have made this process online so that you can get your credit card re-issued even sitting at home.
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Card is sent to your address
The new or re-issued credit card is delivered to your address. Before the expiry of the card, the new card is sent to you at the address given by you at the time of opening the account. If your address has changed, then definitely inform the bank about it.
Changes in CVV on re-issue card
When you re-issue your credit card, the new card is delivered to your doorstep. Along with the expiry date on this new card, the CVV number also changes.
Digital credit cards are also being issued
Nowadays, along with physical credit cards, digital credit cards are also in vogue. Many banks and companies have started giving digital credit cards to their customers. Apart from this, you do not even have to go to the bank to get them. You can get a credit card made sitting at home.