Best Place to Stay: Many people wish to travel abroad. However, traveling abroad is prohibitively expensive. However, if you want to live abroad, this information is only for you. Today we will tell you about such countries where you do not have to pay for the settlement. All at the same, you are given lakhs of rupees to settle here. Isn’t it incredible…
If you want to settle abroad on a budget, you can build a house on the Greece island of Antikythera. For only 43 thousand rupees, you can get land to build a house.
According to media reports, if you want to settle in America, Tulsa, a city in the state of Oklahoma, is the best choice. You will receive Rs 7.4 lakh as a grant upon your arrival. You will also receive free desk space and the opportunity to attend networking events. In addition, if you relocate to Bemidji, Minnesota, you will receive a grant of Rs 1.8 lakh.
In addition, you can travel to the Italian cities of Candela and Calabria. A grant of more than Rs 1 lakh will be given to a single person who settles here. At the same time, if a family relocates, it will receive up to Rs 1.7 lakh. However, only people under the age of 40 are permitted to settle here. During a three-year stay in Calabria, a grant of more than Rs 24 lakh may be received.
Spain is well-known throughout the world for its natural beauty. To settle in Ponga Town, Spain, you can receive up to Rs 2.6 lakh. Another unique feature is that if a couple has a child, each child will receive up to Rs 2.6 lakh separately. Aside from that, if you settle in Rubia Town, you will receive a monthly grant of 8,000 rupees.
Albinen, Switzerland, is a good place to live if you’re under 45. You will be given more than Rs 21 lakh upon your arrival. However, the condition of living here is that you must stay for ten years. Aside from that, in order to settle here, you must have Swiss citizenship or marry a Swiss resident.
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