If you have a credit card, this information is very helpful to you. a 5 per cent cashback credit card. Because you have the card created at the agent’s request, but you are still unaware of many perks. Make sure to be aware of these deals (Credit Card offers).
Credit card with unlimited cash back: You must be doing a lot of shopping for Diwali and likely have a credit card as well, but do you know how to use one wisely? When you utilise your credit card responsibly, you can easily save 10,000 rupees annually. The bank provides a wide variety of credit cards. You receive cashback in the same manner regardless of how you use these credit cards. Similar to this, if you go to the airport to take a flight, you frequently have to leave early. You must be hungry at that time, and you must purchase water at the airport. There are also quite high prices for tea and coffee. Using a smart credit card will allow you to enter the airport lounge free of charge in this case, where you may also acquire food and free Wi-Fi.
Conventional ease my trip credit card
- You can book hotels through the EasyMyTrip app or website at a 20 per cent instant discount if you have this card. When booking a domestic hotel, you can receive a maximum cashback of Rs 5,000, and when booking an international hotel, you can receive a maximum cashback of Rs 10,000. You only need to input the EMTSCB discount code for this.
- During Diwali and Chhath Puja, if you can’t buy a rail ticket and you’re going to fly, you should utilise this card. On the EasyMyTrip app and website, you may book flights with an immediate 10% discount. Let us inform you that a maximum reward of Rs 1,000 for domestic flight bookings and a maximum payback of Rs 5,000 for international flight bookings are available. You must use the EMTSCB discount code for this.
- You will receive 10X more reward points if you purchase your tickets from any other online travel agency than EaseMyTrip. In addition, 2X reward points will be offered at all other retailers.
- You can use the domestic lounge four times and the foreign lounge twice a year with this card. However, you are only permitted to use the domestic lounge once every three months.
- This card’s yearly charge is Rs 399. However, if you spend more than Rs 50,000 in a year, the annual fee is removed.
Get free access
You won’t likely pass up the opportunity to enjoy free access to the airport lounge. You can enter airport lounges for free if you have a credit card and a debit card in your wallet. Additionally, you gain a lot from it. By coming here, you can pass the time. You can read publications for free. In addition to food, free WiFi is available.
The use of the lounge is free with these cards.
Cashback SBI Card, Flipkart Axis Bank Credit Card, ACE Credit Card, HDFC Bank Millennia Debit Card, ICICI Coral Rupay Card If you have this card, you can access the lounge for a limited number of charges. Let us clarify that if you want to use the airport lounge without using a credit card, you must spend at least Rs 500. If you do, however, have a credit card that qualifies, you are welcome to use the lounge and eat for free. – Is a drinker.
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