The brain is the most vital organ in the human body. Since the brain sends the messages, all the organs are useless without it. However, are you aware that the brains of men and women differ from one another?
Everything in a human body is worthless without the brain, just as every component of a computer is worthless without the central processing unit. Data about the human body is gathered in the brain.

Without a human brain, it is impossible to envisage a good life.
You must have observed that even with a large body, persons with poor brain function are unable to accomplish any work.
The brain does everything, from gathering data to instructing every bodily part. Human bodies are useless without brains. Both men’s and women’s bodies depend heavily on the brain.

However, did you know that men’s and women’s brains differ greatly?
We’ll explain to you today how doctors distinguish between a man’s and a woman’s brain.
The truth is that men’s brains are bigger than women’s. The average human brain weighs 1,200 grams, or 2.7 pounds, or roughly 2% of our total body weight.

Women typically have lesser brains than men. Let us inform you that women’s brains are roughly 10% smaller than men’s.
The average adult male’s brain weighs 1336 grams, whereas the average adult female’s brain weighs 1198 grams. Simultaneously, the average male brain weighs approximately 1400 grams at age 20 and 1300 grams at age 65.