Jobs for Assistant Professors: IIT Ropar has posted openings for Grade I and II Assistant Professor positions. Find out who can apply in this news.
Assistant Professor Job Opening 2025: This information can be helpful to you if you’re trying to find work as an assistant professor. IIT Ropar has posted openings for Grade I and II Assistant Professor positions. You can submit an online application for this position. This news contains the website’s exact link. Please be advised that the application form must be submitted before March 30, 2025.

Who is eligible to apply?
This recruitment for Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been made public by IIT Ropar. Candidates should hold a PhD to be considered for Grade I Assistant Professor positions. In addition, preference will be given to candidates with a B.Tech, CSE, EE, ECE, Math and Computing, B.Sc., SC, Computer Science, AI and ML, or Data Science degree. Additionally, candidates should have taught for at least three years. Applicants for Grade II Assistant Professor positions should also hold a PhD. Nevertheless, there is no issue, even if there is no experience with this.
How much will the salary be?
As per 1,01,500-1,67,400 (Level-12), candidates chosen for Assistant Professor Grade I positions would receive salaries up to Rs 1,01,500. Assistant professors in Grade II would be paid up to Rs 70,900 per Level-10 (57,700-98,200) at the same time. Occasionally, there will also be an increase. The notification states that the remuneration will be Rs 84,800 after one year of experience and Rs 87,300 after two years. Candidates will receive other benefits in addition to their pay, such as phone bills and medical facilities.

Please be aware that no hard copy or email applications will be accepted for this IIT Ropar vacancy. The PDF file including the mark sheet and degree of B.Tech, M.Sc., PhD, etc. must be included in the online form.
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