On Wednesday, Poco released the Poco F6 Deadpool and Wolverine Edition smartphone in India. On Flipkart, the smartphone is up for sale as of noon. bPoco and Marvel Studios worked together to build this unique gadget. For Rs 29,999, a 12-plus 256GB storage model of this 5G smartphone is offered. It also contains Rs 4,000 in bank offers.
Marvel fans and smartphone
lovers will find the limited edition smartphone to be an essential piece of technology, fusing cutting-edge design with the iconic looks of Marvel superheroes. A unique smartphone is the Poco F6 Deadpool and Wolverine Edition. The most cutting-edge features are available on the smartphone. The smartphone has a distinct style and theme based on the well-known Marvel characters Wolverine and Deadpool.
Know the features and specifications
The phone has been carefully designed, featuring an eye-catching custom design that reflects the spirit of Marvel superheroes. The exterior of the device features signature red, black, and yellow colors and character artwork. Ahead of the release of Marvel Studios’ Deadpool and Wolverine, the smartphone has been launched to add to the excitement among fans in India. The Poco F6 Deadpool and Wolverine Edition stand out with their eye-catching design top features and performance of the Poco F6.
The smartphone’s
Snapdragon 8S Gen 3 chipset makes it ideal for multitasking and gaming. The Poco F6’s 50MP Sony OIS Plus EIS and 8MP super wide-angle cameras make it the perfect camera for taking breathtaking group and landscape shots. Users of this phone can also utilize Magic Eraser Pro. AI Bokeh, Magic Cut-out, Image Expansion, and other artificial intelligence (AI) features. This phone offers its consumers a plethora of imaginative possibilities.
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