Thursday, September 12, 2024

This low cost tented AC will keep you cool in summers; Bill will be equal to just 3 bulbs

We are going to tell you about such an AC, which only keeps the bed area cool. Not only this, this AC will reduce power consumption by 60 to 65 percent compared to other air conditioners. Let’s know about it…

New Delhi. The summer season has arrived. In the summer season, whether at home or office, people use air conditioners to keep the room cool. But the biggest problem with this is the electricity bill. We run ac continuously, the bill comes very high, today we have brought a solution to this problem for you. We are going to tell you about such an AC, which only keeps the bed area cool. Not only this, this AC will reduce power consumption by 60 to 65 percent compared to other air conditioners. Let’s know about it…

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Tentable AC Will Keep You Cool
A company named Tupic Pvt Ltd has designed a separate AC, which cools the bed area. Its design is also like a tent, which has been prepared by the company’s founder Ravi Patel. Due to this people get relief from the heat as well as the electricity bill also comes down.

Bill will be equal to 3 bulbs
Tupic Bed AC requires around 400W of power. That is, how much does it cost to light only three bulbs. You can also run this AC with solar energy. It will cool the bed area as it fits. Only by staying inside does it get cold air.

will run on an inverter
This AC can be easily operated through a 5 amp socket. You won’t even need anyone’s help to fit it. You can easily fit it yourself. AC can also be run with a 1KVA capacity inverter.



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