Railway Confirm Ticket: There are many times when you have to travel by Indian Railways. However suddenly after booking a ticket you will hardly get a confirmed ticket because. When you go to book a reply ticket thousands of people have already applied for it. are doing. In such a situation, you cannot get a confirmed ticket. Now you try to book a Tatkal ticket but as soon as the booking window opens all the tickets are already booked. Finally, you think of booking tickets online with the help of an agent. But for this, you will have to pay more than the ticket amount. If you want to book tickets online from the gate as soon as the Tatkal ticket window opens, then today we are going to tell you an important trick.
The process will be completed on the official website of the Railways
In fact, after logging in to the official website of Railways, you get some options on the right side. There is an option to add members, in which you can fill the details of multiple members of your family at once. Once the details of family members are out when you book a Tatkal ticket, you just have to tick mark those family members and all the members will be activated in your ticket, but you have to keep in mind that less At least one person’s ID is required. should be mentioned. This means that all your tickets will be ready as soon as the online window opens while booking Tatkal tickets and your chances of getting a Railway Confirm Ticket will increase significantly.
Read More: Railways made changes in the ticket booking system! Big advantage for general ticket takers
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