Presidential Powers: Draupadi Murmu has been elected as the President of India. In the presidential election, Draupadi Murmu defeated Yashwant Sinha, the opposition candidate by a huge margin. While Draupadi Murmu got 6,76,803 votes, the opposition candidate Yashwant Sinha had to be satisfied with 3,80,177 votes. Many big leaders have also expressed happiness that for the first time a tribal woman is sitting at the highest level of the country. But do you know that the President of India has some such powers which are not even with the Prime Minister?
President has these powers
Know that the Prime Minister of the country does not interfere in the judicial system, but the President of India has such power, using which he can waive the death sentence given by the court. The Prime Minister does not have such power. Apart from this, the President of the country also has the right to declare an emergency in the country. The Prime Minister himself cannot order it. However, under Article 74(1) of the Constitution, a provision has been made that the President will be assisted by a cabinet and headed by the Prime Minister. On his advice, the President gives all orders.
Draupadi Murmu won by a huge margin
Draupadi Murmu has been elected as the 15th President of India. NDA candidate Draupadi Murmu got 2,824 first preference votes with a value of 6,76,803. On the other hand, Yashwant Sinha, the candidate of the United Opposition, got 1,877 votes, with a value of 3,80,177. Let us tell you that Draupadi Murmu got more than 64 percent of the votes in the presidential election.
Read More: 31st July Deadline: Before July 31st, complete these 3 key tasks; otherwise, issues can happen.
Murmu will be the first President to be born after independence
Know Draupadi Murmu will be the first President to be born after independence. Apart from this, she will be the youngest President ever. She is the second woman who has become the President of the country. Draupadi Murmu will take the oath of office and secrecy on July 25.
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