In India, WhatsApp removed over 74 lakh malicious accounts in April. This action was conducted in accordance with the new IT Rules 2021, the corporation stated on Thursday. In its monthly compliance report, WhatsApp noted that between April 1 and April 30, 74,52,500 accounts were banned, of which 2,469,700 were actively barred.
There were 4,377 complaints submitted.
The most widely used messaging app in the nation, with almost 500 million users, got a record 4,377 complaints in April, and 234 of those complaints resulted in action. According to a business representative, WhatsApp’s safety report for this user includes information on the user complaints it has received and the steps it has taken in response.
WhatsApp added that between April 1 and April 30,
there were two orders received from the Grievances Appeal Committee that required action. Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Minister of State for Electronics and IT, recently introduced the Grievance Appeal Committee (GAC), which would investigate complaints about content and other issues, in an effort to empower millions of social media users in India.
The newly formed commission
will examine user appeals against social media platform choices in an effort to improve digital laws to restrain Big Tech companies.
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