In India, the Samsung Big TV Days Sale has begun. The official Samsung website now features this 40-day sale. The period of this deal is from June 15 through July 25. Some TV models are eligible for cashback up to Rs 20,000, a free Galaxy S23 Ultra, a sound bar, and other incentives during the sale. But this deal only applies to displays larger than 55 inches. You can benefit from Dhansu deals if you purchase a TV during the sale.
Cashback Promotion for Samsung Big TV Days
The Samsung Corporation is offering you a number of alluring bundles and savings opportunities during Samsung Big TV Days. The Neo QLED 8K, Neo QLED, QLED, OLED, The Frame, and Crystal 4K UHD models of Samsung TV are among those that are eligible for the promotions. Samsung is now giving you 20% cash back on certain TV models. You can receive a maximum of Rs 20,000 in this cashback. With this deal, you may enjoy popular TV models from Samsung firm while saving up to 20% off the item’s overall cost.
Offer for a free Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
You can choose one of the best offers during the Samsung Big TV Days sale by purchasing a 98-inch Smart TV and receiving a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra smartphone absolutely free. Additionally, a Chaebol Home Cinema System 12GB + 256GB model worth Rs. 1,24,999 is being given away with the purchase. Remember that the Galaxy S23 Ultra features a 200MP primary camera, a 6.8-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC, and more. You might find this to be a good bargain for your money.
Free Soundbar Promotion for Samsung Big TV Days
Along with several smart TVs, it is also giving away free HW-S800B and HW-Q600B soundbars during the sale. In exchange for the purchase of a 77-inch OLED TV and a 75-inch Neo QLED 8K or 4K TV, you will receive a complimentary S800B soundbar, valued at Rs 51,990. The 65-inch Neo QLED 8K TV, the 65-inch OLED TV, the 75-inch The Frame TV, and the 85-inch Crystal 4K UHD TV all come with a complimentary Q600B soundbar, which normally costs Rs 28,990. The 55-inch Neo QLED TV and 55-inch OLED TV buyers will also receive the HW-B450 soundbar for free, valued at Rs 15,490. This offer, in which you also receive a high-quality soundbar, is really alluring.
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