Disha Patani has one of the most desirable bodies in Bollywood, which is no secret. And the actress does everything in her power to occasionally display her toned body. Disha, who is well-known for her photographs in bikinis, never passes up the chance to dress traditionally as well. See her in a silver saree in her most recent social media pictures by scrolling up to the next section.
Disha Patani’s most recent Instagram photographs have dazzled everyone.
The actress looks stunning dressed in a silver-gray saree-lehenga. In fact, traditional clothing highlights her beauty unlike anything else.
Disha Patani wears a saree-lehenga,
leaving her long hair open. Aastha Sharma, a well-known celebrity stylist, has styled her.
Disha Patani wears a deep-cut blouse with the saree-lehenga,
leaving little room for interpretation. The actress strikes a face-away pose while showcasing solely her toned body.
Ritika Mirchandani created the saree-lehenga worn by Disha Patani. The price is about Rs. 2.3 lakh.
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