This information will make you pleased if you also have a ration card and use the government’s free ration program. As usual, from October 12 to October 25, free wheat and rice will be supplied. But this time, the Yogi government in the state and the Modi government in the center would also give ration card holders another gift in addition to the ration. Yes, this time the cardholder will also receive an Ayushman card from the ration shop in addition to receiving free wheat and rice. The government will set up camps for this at all of the ration stores.
Ration card holders are eligible to get free medical care of up to Rs. 5 lakh
Let us inform you that you are eligible for free care up to Rs. 5 lakh at private hospitals with the Ayushman Card. This is a service that the central government offers. According to government regulations, a campaign is being undertaken under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme to create Ayushman cards for holders of ration cards, Antyodaya cards, and all senior individuals covered by the ration card under the National Food Security Act scheme.
ASHA and Anganwadi personnel will assist
An official who was describing the government’s initiative said that employees from Anganwadis, ASHA, Panchayat assistants located in Gramme Panchayats, urban areas, and local ration dealers will assist in carrying out this operation. gonna go. A camp will always be set up there on the same day that rations are delivered at the ration shops.
Avoid packing the government-subsidized grocery stores
Any ration card holder who does not have a cellphone number registered in his Aadhaar card can get an Ayushman card by contacting the job services or CSC operators, where Mantra devices are available. For several days of ration distribution, Ayushman cards will be produced. In such circumstances, it has also been advised not to swarm government-run liquor stores without a valid reason and to order your Ayushman card at your convenience when your number is called.
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