With the latest version of WhatsApp, iPhone users can now share original photographs and videos on the messaging app. Prior to this, WhatsApp would lower the quality of material sent to iPhones by compressing it. Users can now share high-quality content without compression thanks to the latest version. Users will be able to send high-quality photographs that are the same size and quality thanks to this, which is great news.
The most recent version of WhatsApp, 23.24.73, now includes this capability. Users will need to upgrade their WhatsApp app in order to receive the update. However, not everyone has had access to this feature yet. It will be released in the upcoming weeks, according to the changelog.
To share material on WhatsApp in its original quality, take these actions:
- Start a new chat or open an already-existing one.
- Press the “+” symbol located to the left of the text area.
- Choose “Documents”.
- Choose the option “Select photo or video”.
- Choose an image or a video.
- Press the cyan arrow.
Please be aware that the maximum file size that may be sent with this function is 2GB.
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